haluuu..hai geng,..adeh..kat sini jugak best nak tulis blog...hahahaa...hurm, makin nak abis sem makin stress aku...tension di buat nye.. mane x nye.. dengan lecturer nye yang x reti2 nak masuk kelas..dengan lecturer yang banyak songeh..adeh adeh adeh!! 2 baru lecturer...kawan2? classmate? housemate? hurm...sume ade taw...all in one! haih~ penat siot! tension sume ade la!
hurmm...bile tanye marah..x tanye lagi marah..ea la,aku x hebat macam ko kan...aku tanye topic or title pun ko x leh nak bagi..then u aspect me to write something..ok fine! i write..but! u reject it all! all of it ok! so,how? aku ni memang suke orang perkotak katik kan diri aku ni..da la aku ni not really well! ko wat aku macam aku tengah sihat sepenuh nye plak..aku x mintak pun ko terima aku seadanye as your fren but please at least respect me as your sister sometimes!
hurmmm...da lambat kot tok aku mintak sume 2...ea la..aku ni kan x bagus macam die..and always ruin everything..always want to enjoy....hurmmm... sume yang ko wat aku saba,aku tahan..sebab? aku respect ko..sebab ko pandai dari aku.. aku respect ko walaupun ko adik ..kadang2 aku rase diri aku sendiri yang bagi peluang tok mereka2 ni ambik kesempatan...xpe la, ko kan pandai...teruskan la dengan kepandaian ko 2..aku ni x pandai nak belajar...tapi sometimes bile ko ajar macam nak x nak je kan ... hurmmm...
it is hard to understand others... sometimes we think that we know them...but... unfortunately we were wrong about it... ok...fine~ just do what ever you want ok? done~byE~
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